Thanks for reading our news. On this page we would like to shortly present you the last developments that might be interesting for you.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for further question about these news or any other products.
NG-Script is an Add-on tool for PG5 and allows the execution of scripts before, during or after the PG5 Build or manually from the application.
Engiby sàrl proposes a service to provide meteo data (weather forecasts) for Saia-PCD® applications. The PCD system requests the selected data once per day for the current day and up to the next 3 days. The resolution of the forecast is 3 hours (8 values for each day). Click on the link to have more information.
MQTT is a lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between two devices. The protocol runs over TCP/IP. It is designed for connections with remote location where a “small code footprint” is required or the network bandwidth is limited.
The NG-Alarm library allows you to send SMS and emails from Saia PCD® systems. The transmission is done over Internet (TCP/IP, HTTP port). The library is full of useful features, to name a few of them, the PCD checks regularly the reachability of the server as well as the server performs life check of the PCD. The limitation of number of SMS sent per day, in case of unintentional sending. Click on the link to have more information.
The Modbus library has a new life with the new package Modbus 2.8 ! The following grate features are in this package:
– NG-Configurator = Configuration of Modbus telegrams in an MS-Excel file.
– NG-ModLink = Add-On tool to read/write Modbus Slave data connected to your PCD.
– NG-Trace = Add-On tool to trace Modbus communication in raw and decoded formats.
– Specific Belimo Fboxes for a quick and simple programming and configuration of Belimo devices over Modbus RTU or TCP.