

The Modbus protocols allows the exchange of data with a wide range of industrial devices and many supervisors. The Modbus 2 library from Engiby sàrl supports the following Modbus protocols:

  • ASCII + RTU over serial lines RS 232, 422 and 485
  • TCP + UDP over Ethernet

Both, master and slave functions are included in the library and several master and several slave drivers can run simultaneously on the Saia PCD®.
The library is available in form of S-Fup FBoxes for Fupla programmers. For the use in IL or Graftec the library provides an interface using FBs which can be called. For a detailled description of the features and Getting Started examples follow this link.

The Modbus library is now available with the NG-Configurator and Excel. It is especially useful for big projects. The NG-Configurator allows you to define a long list of sending and receiving transmissions in an Excel file instead of placing Fboxes in a Fupla file. Each transmission can have different parameters like, an enable flag, a single or cyclic mode, different modbus functions, a format conversion, etc. You also have the possibility to retrieve a large amont of data in one single transmission to a buffer and then spread them in different flags and registers using different format conversions.

Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Logo Modbus M


Modbus Fbox library, new license compatible with:

  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V

For PG5 1.4 and 2.0, please contact Engiby

CHF 750.–
Maximum 3 license keys

Additional license key for a new PG5 version, if purchased or updated within less than 1 year



Additional license keys for new PG5, maximum 3 license keys

CHF 400.–

License extension for specific Devices:
Read the Modbus manual for more details. See chapter “Specific Devices”.

Extension level 1 with specific Fboxes for devices:
 – Thermokon, room sensor, type NOVOS 3 PTD
 – Siemens, room sensors, types QFA2050/MO and QPA2052/MO

CHF 600.–

Extension level 2 includes extension level 1 plus Fboxes for devices:
 – iSMA RIO’s types B-8I, B-8U, B-4O-H, B-4I4O-H, B-4U4A-H, B-4U4O-H, B-MIX18 and B-MIX36
 – GFAE – KN3 Koplernetz, module types VA8 and RM2

CHF 1’000.–

Extension level 3 includes extension level 2 plus Fboxes for Belimo devices :
 – PR/PM – VRU – VAV – Air/Water – CQ – Energy Valve – Thermal Energy Meter – 2-way EPIV – 6-way EPIV – BKN230-24

CHF 1’500.–

Update from version to Modbus 2.8 with new features:
 NG-Configurator = Configuration of Modbus telegrams in an MS-Excel file.
 NG-ModLink = Add-On tool to read/write Modbus Slave data connected to your PCD.
 NG-Trace = Add-On tool to trace Modbus communication in raw and decoded formats.

See also Update service

CHF 500.–

Update from any version to the last Modbus 2.8 version.

CHF 400.–

Update from version or older to Modbus 2.8 including maximum 3 new license keys.

CHF 600.–


The documentation is included in the library as Widows Help file in English. A detailled description of the features of the Modbus2 driver can be found in the Modbus 2 Driver details.

Further information

The following links point to further useful documents about Modbus libraries.

Old Modbus 1 library

  • The Modbus 1 driver is now obsolete. If you start a new application with Modbus please use the Modbus 2 package above.
    For upward compatibility of existing applications on PG5 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2, you can install a Modbus 1 package as extension to Modbus 2 and keep your applications unchanged.
    Procede as follow: