The Modbus protocols allows the exchange of data with a wide range of industrial devices and many supervisors. The Modbus 2 library from Engiby sàrl supports the following Modbus protocols:
- ASCII + RTU over serial lines RS 232, 422 and 485
- TCP + UDP over Ethernet
Both, master and slave functions are included in the library and several master and several slave drivers can run simultaneously on the Saia PCD®.
The library is available in form of S-Fup FBoxes for Fupla programmers. For the use in IL or Graftec the library provides an interface using FBs which can be called. For a detailled description of the features and Getting Started examples follow this link.
The Modbus library is now available with the NG-Configurator and Excel. It is especially useful for big projects. The NG-Configurator allows you to define a long list of sending and receiving transmissions in an Excel file instead of placing Fboxes in a Fupla file. Each transmission can have different parameters like, an enable flag, a single or cyclic mode, different modbus functions, a format conversion, etc. You also have the possibility to retrieve a large amont of data in one single transmission to a buffer and then spread them in different flags and registers using different format conversions.
Don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Modbus Fbox library, new license compatible with:
- PG5 V
- PG5 V
- PG5 V
For PG5 1.4 and 2.0, please contact Engiby
CHF 750.–
Maximum 3 license keys
Additional license key for a new PG5 version, if purchased or updated within less than 1 year
License extension for specific Devices:
Read the Modbus manual for more details. See chapter “Specific Devices”.
Extension level 1 with specific Fboxes for devices:
– Thermokon, room sensor, type NOVOS 3 PTD
– Siemens, room sensors, types QFA2050/MO and QPA2052/MO
CHF 600.–
Extension level 2 includes extension level 1 plus Fboxes for devices:
– iSMA RIO’s types B-8I, B-8U, B-4O-H, B-4I4O-H, B-4U4A-H, B-4U4O-H, B-MIX18 and B-MIX36
– GFAE – KN3 Koplernetz, module types VA8 and RM2
CHF 1’000.–
Extension level 3 includes extension level 2 plus Fboxes for Belimo devices :
– PR/PM – VRU – VAV – Air/Water – CQ – Energy Valve – Thermal Energy Meter – 2-way EPIV – 6-way EPIV – BKN230-24
CHF 1’500.–
Update from version to Modbus 2.8 with new features:
– NG-Configurator = Configuration of Modbus telegrams in an MS-Excel file.
– NG-ModLink = Add-On tool to read/write Modbus Slave data connected to your PCD.
– NG-Trace = Add-On tool to trace Modbus communication in raw and decoded formats.
See also Update service
CHF 500.–
Update from version or older to Modbus 2.8 including maximum 3 new license keys.
CHF 600.–
The documentation is included in the library as Widows Help file in English. A detailled description of the features of the Modbus2 driver can be found in the Modbus 2 Driver details.
Further information
The following links point to further useful documents about Modbus libraries.
Old Modbus 1 library
- The Modbus 1 driver is now obsolete. If you start a new application with Modbus please use the Modbus 2 package above.
For upward compatibility of existing applications on PG5 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2, you can install a Modbus 1 package as extension to Modbus 2 and keep your applications unchanged.
Procede as follow:- Order, download and install a Modbus 2 package for PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3
- Download and install this Modbus 1 package on PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 (no key is required)
- Import your application in PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3
- Build your application as usual under PG5