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Communication drivers
IEC 60870-5 overview page for IEC 60870-5-101 and IEC 60870-5-104
M-Bus: List of devices supported by the FBox driver library
M-Bus: NG-MScan2, the free PG5 Add-on tool for scanning M-Bus
Modbus/TCP: Trouble shooting
Modbus FBox library: release notes
Update service
Update Service: Engiby proposes an Update Service to users of Engiby Libraries and Engiby Tools.
Engineering and data acquisition
Engiby Configurator: Description of a tool that allows the use of MS Excel for the driver configuration
Data acquisition with Saia PCD(R): A comparision of the concepts of data acquisition
NG-Dump: Description of a Data Dumper for Saia PCD(R)
NG-Trace: Trace buffers for PCD (freeware)
NG-Server: Description of the NG-Server concept for centrally collecting data from Saia PCD(R) systems