

Version française / Deutsche Version / English version

The NG-Alarm library allows you to send SMS and emails from Saia PCD® systems.

The existing programs that run with the Modem library to send SMS will easily be modified with the NG-Alarm FBox library.

The alarms texts, the recipient’s phone numbers and email adresses are defined in the user program. These parameters can be modified in operation.

Overview of the features:

  • Communication over Internet (TCP/IP, HTTP port)  
  • Alarms texts, recipient’s phone numbers and email addresses are stored in the PCD®
  • Check of the reachability of the server from the PCD®  
  • Life check of the PCD® from the server and alert message in case of a failure  
  • Limitation of the number of transmission per day  
    10 SMS and 100 email per day and per system, adjustable on request
  • Possibility to disable the transmission of the alarm, for example during a maintenance
  • Repetition of the alarm at a defined interval
  • Encrypted transmission from the PCD® to the server  

 = Immediately available new feature in comparison with the Modem library.

Planned additional features:

  • Alarms configuration with Microsoft Excel
  • Detection and transmission of the alarms end
  • Transmission of alarm acknowledgment

Possible features on request:

  • Overview of the history of the alarms transmissions
  • Confirmation of SMS reception
  • Customized transmission rules
  • Implementation of a specific service provider (other than Engiby)
  • Personal NG-Server license
    Alarms texts management, priorities, recipients, etc… on server side

Please contact Engiby for any request.

Image NG-Alarm


License for one account, up to 3 PCD® systems

  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V

CHF 400.– per year

Additional PCD® system

CHF 100.– per year

Other form of license on request