

The Wilo Driver allows communication over serial RS485 line with pumps from Wilo (Germany) and EMB (Switzerland).

The driver is available in form of an FBox family for Fupla. The Saia PCD® is Master and supports the transmission of commands and reception of status errors and parameters of each pump. Master-Slave pump systems are also supported.

The pump must be equipped with a PLR interface and connected to a DigiCon module. One Digicon module can communicate with up to 4 master and 4 slave pumps. Up to 64 Digicon modules can be connected to the Saia PCD® over an RS485 network.


Licence valide for

  • PG5 V 1.4.xxx
  • PG5 V 2.0.xxx
  • PG5 V 2.1.xxx
  • PG5 V 2.2.xxx
  • PG5 V 2.3.xxx

CHF 2’400.–
Maximum 3 license keys

Update to the last version

CHF 450.–

Additional license keys, maximum 3 license keys

CHF 450.–


Help file available from each FBox.
Language : English
