Accueil » Data Acquisition » NG-DB-Net



NG-DB-Net is a Windows service allowing you to exchange data with one or more Saia PCD® controllers and a MySQL database. The exchanged variables can be Registers, Flags, Timers, Counters, Inputs and Outputs. The supported communication protocols are Ether-S-Bus® or http using CGI requests. The communication interval is configurable.

The transmission possibilities are numerous. To name a few:

  • Read (read value from the Saia PCD® and write it to the database)
  • Write (read value from the database and write it to the Saia PCD®)
  • Read/Write (synchronization in both directions)
  • Command (write a value only once in the Saia PCD®)

The MySQL database may be accessed by any other application or website you may have or want to develop.

With other products of Engiby, it is possible to fill tables with trend data, check if the Saia PCD® is responding and send email or SMS alerts. See description of NG-Server.

NG-DB-Net Interface
NG-DB-Net Interface 2


NG-DB-Net, single PC license

CHF 900.–