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NG-Dump Download
The use of this tool is no longer recommended. Please consider rather the use of NG-Server hosting.
Contact Engiby for any requirement.
Download and install NG-Dump
For working with the NG-Dump software it first needs to be installed and licensed. This page contains the according instructions.
Download link
- If you have installed a former version, please go to the Windows control panel and uninstall the NG-Dump software first.
- Download the Setup package using the link above. Start the Setup and follow the instructions.
- Start the NG-Dump software (Windows Start menu – Engiby group), and go to the About box to register NG-Dump as Add-on Tool for PG5.
- Close the application.
For more detailled instructions for the usage please refer to the help file.
Using NG-Dump in your application
- Create an NG-Dump file in your PG5 project and start the NG-Dump software
- Go to the Settings, make your choice, save the settings and close the window
- Click the connect button to go online with the Saia PCD®
- Go to the Task window
- Enter the address of the data to read
- Click the Save button to activate the new settings
- Click the Read Now button to check the received values
For more detailled instructions for the usage please refer to the help file.
Freeware mode
Unless you have enter a license key, NG-Dump will only run in demo mode. All functions are supported in the demo mode except the following points:
- Only one Saia PCD® can be read and only one task is supported.
- The line with the PCD media addresses to read is always cleared at startup. You must manually enter these addresses in the menu Task window.
- The Saia PCD® will be disconnected after a trial period of 30 minutes. You can then shut down and restart the NG-Dump. You must also re-enter the PCD media addresses to read.