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NG-Dump Download

The use of this tool is no longer recommended. Please consider rather the use of NG-Server hosting.

Contact Engiby for any requirement.

Download and install NG-Dump

For working with the NG-Dump software it first needs to be installed and licensed. This page contains the according instructions.


  1. If you have installed a former version, please go to the Windows control panel and uninstall the NG-Dump software first.
  2. Download the Setup package using the link above. Start the Setup and follow the instructions.
  3. Start the NG-Dump software (Windows Start menu – Engiby group), and go to the About box to register NG-Dump as Add-on Tool for PG5.
  4. Close the application.

For more detailled instructions for the usage please refer to the help file.

Using NG-Dump in your application

  1. Create an NG-Dump file in your PG5 project and start the NG-Dump software
  2. Go to the Settings, make your choice, save the settings and close the window
  3. Click the connect button to go online with the Saia PCD®
  4. Go to the Task window
  5. Enter the address of the data to read
  6. Click the Save button to activate the new settings
  7. Click the Read Now button to check the received values

For more detailled instructions for the usage please refer to the help file. 

Freeware mode

Unless you have enter a license key, NG-Dump will only run in demo mode. All functions are supported in the demo mode except the following points:

  1. Only one Saia PCD® can be read and only one task is supported.
  2. The line with the PCD media addresses to read is always cleared at startup. You must manually enter these addresses in the menu Task window.
  3. The Saia PCD® will be disconnected after a trial period of 30 minutes. You can then shut down and restart the NG-Dump. You must also re-enter the PCD media addresses to read.