Accueil » Prices in euro

Prices in euro

(last update 21 February 2025)

Because of variations of the CHF-Euro exchange rate, only CHF prices are valid on our web page. Invoices in Euro are issued only for countries in the Euro zone. The actual exchange rate is:

1 Euro = CHF 0.95 strating from 1. January 2024

Non-Euro countries will be invoiced in CHF only.

Prices for the commonly purchased products

Modbus driver

CHF 750.–

Euro 789.–

Modbus driver update from 2.7 to Modbus 2.8

CHF 500.–

Euro 526.–

M-Bus driver

CHF 950.–

Euro 1000.–

M-Bus driver update

CHF 500.–

Euro 526.–

IEC 60870-5-104 runtime key

CHF 275.–

Euro 289.–

These prices and the exchange rate are subject to change at any time without notice.