The licenses for the Engiby’s libraries are bound to the PG5 licences. Usually the library is addressed to the System Integrator (SI). The SI is the company which owns a licensed version of PG5 and will install the additional library on PG5. If the Integrator AND the End User have got a different PG5 license and install the Engiby product on PG5, each of them must purchase a product license. With PG5 1.4, a license key for each library must be registered when the library is installed. Please read also the few restrictions at the end of this page.
License Validity
The license keys are valid for one main version of PG5, e. g.: Versions or An update or a new key will be required for the each main version.
Within a delay of 12 months from the delivery of a driver or an update (free update excluded) for PG5 1.4, you can ask for a free update and a key for PG5 2.0.
In other words, Engiby ensure that a driver can be used at least one year without being invoiced for a new license key. This is only valid for products with unlimited licence, and up to 3 main versions.
Registration procedure
In the following procedure we base on the assumption that you have got a official and licensed version of PG5 1.4 (V 1.4.100 or higher) installed on your computer and you have used the register software feature of PG5 to install the key file you have got with PG5: User of Demo package, $-versions and Beta tester are no longer supported.
The registration procedure is not the same as for PG5 1.2 and 1.3. When updating from PG5 1.3 to PG5 1.4, please read the chapter below.
Note also that this procedure is not valid for Engiby’s Add-On tools. Passwords for Add-On tool must be registered in the Add-On tool itself.
1. When you order an Engiby license or an update for PG5 version 1.4, send the USER.KEY file of the corresponding PG5 package to Engiby. This allows us to create a license key that matches with your PG5 license. Please send the file to Engiby.
2. The Integrator (or End User) is registered by Engiby and a License key is sent back.
3. Start the setup of the concerned library. Select the installation for PG5 1.4. If you don’t need to install the library but only enter the key, you can check the option ‘License Key’ and uncheck the option ‘Library’.
4. Click Install.
5. When the dialogue box appears, copy the received Key and click OK.

Now you can build a project using the corresponding library.
Other Conditions and Restrictions
You need at least a version V 1.4.100 of the PG5 1.4. If you have a former version (Beta or $-version), please first update to the last version of PG5 1.4.
License keys will not be created for package without a correct user name (E.g. package ‘For SAIA Internal use only’).
The keys can be used only on the PC with the correct PG5 license (the one sent to Engiby !) but you are allowed to use it on other PCs as long as they have the same PG5 license. It means the PC is used inside the same company.
In emergency cases, Engiby can provide an emergency Key, valid for any user name and any library, for a limited period. The emergency key is shorter and can be easily be transmitted by phone.
On the same PG5 version, the same key is valid for several version of a library, as long as these versions are bound to the same license.
Example: M-Bus driver version 2.5.005 use the same keys as the former version 2.5.001.
Other example: Modbus
For modbus it is recommended working with the Modbus 2 package (version If you only need to buil a project build with Modbus1 dirver (1.xx), first install the Modbus 2 package, and after that install the 1.8x version of Modbus 1 (which runs with the Modbus license).
Note also that some libraries need a runtime license key (one license per PCD system).
Updating from PG5 1.3 to PG5 1.4
The user.key file you have received for PG5 1.3 is not valid for PG5 1.4. Also the passwords provided by Engiby for PG5 1.3 are not valid for PG5 1.4. See above the conditions for the delivery of free license key. Note also that user.key files created for $ or beta versions of PG5 1.4 will not be valid for official versions and service pack of PG5 1.4. Therefore you need to work with the lates PG5 1.4 version (or upgrade to 2.x).
Demo license
Demo licenses of PG5 don’t restrict the use of any library (including Engiby’s) but has only a time limitation (30 to 90 days). At each build you get a warning indicating the expiration date of the demo license. Take care ! A license key will be required when the personalized user.key file will be installed.
Beta tester and user of $-version
Beta tester and user of $-version for PG5 1.4 are no longer supported for the use together with Engiby libraries.