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Update Service

Engiby proposes an Update Service to users of Engiby Libraries and Engiby Tools.

The principle

The user subscribes to an Update Service for all (or a selection of) his owned Engiby Libraries and/or Engiby Tools. The minimum period is 2 years. Then, during this time, he can ask for any number of updates.

The subscription can be made at any time, when the library is purchased, when updating one or more library or when a special offer is proposed to Update Subscribers.

When a subscription is ordered, the start/end date is rounded to the nearest year begin (+ or – 6 months).
At the end of the period, the subscriber will be invited to extend the Update Service for 2 more years (by Email).
If confirmed, the subscription is renewed and spontaneously invoiced. Without confirmation, the service is automatically canceled.


  • The subscriber can ask for several updates over the period (e.g. for each new project)
  • Always up to date with new features, supports of new PG5 version, new PCD systems and bug fixes.
  • Update fees are much lower. See prices below.
  • Update cost can be foreseen and are not anymore depending on PG5 releases.


For the first contracted period of 2 years, the fee is the 75% of the update prices of the concerned products.
For service renewals of 2 years, the fee is the 50% of the update prices of the concerned products.
A minimum amount of CHF 400.- also applies.

If the service has not been renewed once, a new contract can restart later, but the fee for a first period is applicable again.

This price applies on Engiby products published with an update price on Internet and marked with ‘Update Service’ (the most current products). For other products, please contact Engiby.


A customer owns the Modbus 2 and the M-Bus libraries (the most current case).

The individual update prices are respectively CHF 500.- and CHF 450.- (price January 2022). Total CHF 950.-.

With a subscription to the Update Service, he can get any updates of the 2 packages for a fee of CHF 712.50 for the first 2 years and CHF 475.- for each following 2 years periods.

General Conditions

The full address, with contact person and E-Mail address of the subscriber must be submitted to Engiby.

The subscriber must send a request to Engiby to renew his update service every 2 years (it may be a simple E-Mail replay to the Engiby’s invitation).

Information about this service (available updates, special offers, renewal invitation) is sent once only, by E-Mail, at the last known and valid E-Mail address provided by the subscriber itself.

No particular action is required from the subscriber, nor from Engiby to cancel a subscription at the end of the running period.

Engiby does not warrantee that the information related to this service always reaches the subscriber at expected time.

The subscriber is supposed to announce any change in the subscriber address, contact person and E-Mail address.

The general condition for delivery of software applies on libraries delivered under this service.

A subscription is only valid after receipt of the agreed amount.

No refund is ensured on any fees already paid to Engiby for this service.

Engiby keeps the right to adapt the fees, the general conditions or the principle of the service or even to stop this service for one, several or all products at any time without notification.


If you are ready to subscribe to the Update Service, please send an E-Mail to Engiby, at the email address below, with the following data:

  • Full company address
  • Contact person
  • E-Mail address (for sending information about the Update Service)
  • List of your Libraries and Add-On tools