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Clock and GPS


The Clock+ Library allows the synchronization of the Saia PCD® clock with various broadcast signals. It also supports the communication with various devices like Clock receivers, Meteo stations and GPS receivers.

DCF77 signal
The DCF77 signal is broadcasted in Germany and Switzerland. To use it a DCF77 receiver is needed. The receiver antenna should be placed outside a building but not necessary on the roof.

GPS signal
This signal is available over the whole word. To use it a GPS receiver is required. The receiver must be placed in order to have a ‘visual’ connection to the sky. In narrow streets it needs to be placed on the roof of the building.

FBox Garmin GPS
It supports the GPS receiver type Garmin 18 PC / LVC (not included in the price). The connection to the Saia PCD® is realized over an RS232 line at 9600 bauds. You need a line booster for a lines longer than 15 m.

FBox Clock FZD
It supports the DCF77 clock type FZD from HKW Elektronik in Germany (not included in the price). The connection to the Saia PCD® is realized over an RS232 line at 300 bauds. You need a line booster for a line longer than 15 m.
Attention: 300 bauds is not supported by Saia-NT systems (e.g. PCD1.M2, PCD2.M480, PCD2.M5 and PCD3).

FBox Meteo P03
It supports the Elsner (Germany) meteo station P02 and P03. It includes a DCF77 receiver but also a temperature, a light and a wind sensor. It can even detect precipitation. It is connected over a RS485 line (at 19200 bauds) that can be up to 1000 m long without repeater.

FBox Clock C51
It supports the C51 receiver from Meinberg (Germany) for the DCF77 signal. The Saia PCD® connection is RS232 (15m) at 9600 bds.

Other solutions can be implemented on request.


License valid for

  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V

CHF 800.–
Maximum 3 license keys

Update to the last version
Update Service

CHF 400.–

Update to PG5 2.1, 2.2 or 2.3 if purchased or updated within less than 1 year



Additional license keys, maximum 3 license keys

CHF 400.–


Help file available from each FBox.
Language : English