The ebmBUS Driver supports communication over serial RS485 lines with ebm-Papst motors. The following types are supported:
- K3G310A
- M3G084
- M3G112
- M3G150
- CHW050
- CHW070/72/73
- CHG485
- CNW015
- CNW030
For other types please contact Engiby.
The driver is available in form of an FBox family for Fupla. The Saia PCD® is Master and supports the transmission of commands and the reception of status and parameters. Direct read and write access to EEPROM registers is also supported.
Because of the slow communication procedure (single values at 9600 bds) you should not plan to connect more than 100 motors per bus (a repeater must be inserted each 32 devices). For instances a PCD3 can handle up to 8 busses in parallel using F2xx modules in slots 0 to 3.

License valid for
- PG5 V 1.4.xxx
- PG5 V 2.0.xxx
- PG5 V 2.1.xxx
- PG5 V 2.2.xxx
- PG5 V 2.3.xxx
CHF 2’400.–
Maximum 3 license keys
Manual (Word document) available from each FBox.
Language : English