ESPA 444


ESPA 4.4.4 is a standard protocol adopted by the European Selective Paging Manufacturers Association.

The protocol is intended to exchange massages with paging equipment. The communication can be realized using:

  • RS232 interface
  • TCP/IP
  • UDP/IP

In case of TCP or UDP on PCD side, a paging equipment with RS232 interface can be connected using a MOXA Com port on Ethernet or a similar device.

The Engiby Driver running on Saia PCD® supports both, the receiver and the sender functions. In both cases the messages with associated alarm flags can be configured with FBoxes or in an Excel file (compiled by the NG-Configurator).

As sender the Saia PCD® can issue clear text messages including the following parameters:

  • Message text
  • Pager address
  • Beep code
  • Priority

Further parameters can be added on request.

As receiver the driver reads the ESPA messages, searches for a matching entry in the list and sets the corresponding alarm flag.

The Extended function family allows building a message handler with filter and routing features. Several ESPA 4.4.4 ports are supported. Massages can be routed from one ESPA 4.4.4 port to another, or sent by SMS.
Filters can be defined and changed in runtime to forward messages depending on their origin, priority and/or originator. This extended version need also an extended license.

img Espa444


License for the Basic version

CHF 2’200.–
Maximum 3 license keys

License for the Extended version
(Basic features included)

CHF 3’800.–
Maximum 3 license keys

Actual licenses are valid for :

  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V
  • PG5 V

Update to the last version for Basic version
Update Service

CHF 450.–

Additional license keys for Basic version, maximum 3 license keys

CHF 450.–

Update to the last version for Extended version
Update Service

CHF 600.–

Additional license keys for Extended version, maximum 3 license keys

CHF 600.–


Help file available from each FBox and from the NG-Configurator.
Language : English