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The Engiby NGConfigurator is a PG5 Add-on tool used in combination with various libraries developed by Engiby. It allows the compilation of a configuration realized in an MS-Excel file. This base file contains data point definition or parameter lists to be directly compiled into Saia PG5® compatible file.

The concept is inspired by the fact that system and network data points are often available in form of files during or even before the start of a Saia PCD® project creation. Typically data points for a supervisor systems may be declared in or exported to an Excel file.

The user comfort with Microsoft Excel is much higher than the PG5 editors when the aim is to import, generate or convert a large amount of data points. Efficiency and reliability are increased by sharing common information source between the supervisor systems and the PG5 Controls Suite.

img NG-Configurator

The universality of the NG-Configurator is achieved by declaring the Excel file structure in an auxiliary file for each application type. Therefore, each application made with the NG-Configurator will have a different structure of the Excel file and generate different code even while the Configurator is the same tool. You may even have a list of several applications supported by your NG-Configurator.


The last version of the Engiby NG-Configurator is available on the NG-Configurator download page. The Configurator itself and updates for it are free. Only the applications (FBox libraries) need a license. To test the NG Configurator concept, you will also find a demo application for download.

Applications packages available for the NG-Configurator

The NG-Configurator can be used in combination with the following libraries and drivers:

  • IEC 60870-5-101 / -104 Driver
    The IEC 870-5-101 (serial) and IEC 870-5-104 (TCP) drivers are typically used in configuration with a large amount of datapoints. Rather than using a vast amount of FBoxes, you can comfortably enter all your data-points in an Excel file. This ways allows even more flexibility with a lot of optional parameters that can be omitted if not relevant in a specific case.
  • ESPA 4.4.4
    The ESPA 4.4.4 driver is another communication driver using Excel file configuration. In this case, MS-Excel offers a comfortable mean and better overview to enter long list of message texts.
  • KNX Configurator library
    The KNX Configurator library allows the definition of KNX data points to be exchanged with a Saia PCD® in a Microsoft Excel file. The Excel file is organized in a way that devices (e.g. room thermostats) can be defined as templates which can be instanced.
  • S-Bus RSxxx or TCP/IP
    These applications are useful to quickly and efficiently create S-Bus applications. The data transmission can be optimised by defining the optimal mode (Cyclic, Single or Automatic on value change) and by defining a priority level (Low, Medium or High) for each data package. The S-Bus TCP application helps you to make profit of the multi-master ability of S-Bus TCP/IP. This is important to optimize the load on the LAN network.
    Read more about S-Bus Application and see License prices on S-Bus with NG-Configurator.
    Please contact Engiby for a demo package.
  • Text output
    The Text Output library allows the definition of message structures and their definition in an Excel file. Each text is associated to a binary signal (Flag) for the transmission. The supported outputs are Serial lines, TCP channels, UDP channels or SMS messages.
  • Media Converter
    The Media Converter library has been developped to assist you with the programming of repetitive processes like copying inputs into registers, refreshing outputs or defining new symbols. The programming of these simple tasks, when it concerns dozens or even hundreds of data, can be laborious with Fupla.
  • Modbus
    The Modbus library can now be used with the NG-Configurator and Excel. It is especially useful for big projects. The NG-Configurator allows you to define a long list of sending and receiving transmissions in an Excel file instead of placing Fboxes in a Fupla file. Many different functionalities have been implemented. Click on the link to have more information.
  • MQTT
    The MQTT library can now be used with the NG-Configurator and Excel. It is especially useful for big projects. The NG-Configurator allows you to define a long list of publish and subscribe transmissions in an Excel file instead of placing Fboxes in a Fupla file. It’s event possible to save PCD ressources compared to the FBoxes. Click on the link to have more information.
  • Customer specific application
    Your specific application could also be supported by the NG-Configurator as well. If you see advantages to use this tool in your particular case, don’t hesitate to contact Engiby.